
Current Projects

Wild Garden:

  • Our mission is to regenerate the world’s natural habitats by empowering individuals to restore native species within their own garden space.

Walking Towards Climate Justice

  • Time to walk slow and fast to achieve the big bold system changes in the climate justice movement.
    • Newsletter / Blog
    • Podcast

Real Zero by 2030

  • Volunteering with MobilizeTO to push The City of Toronto to put a target of real zero emissions by 2030.

Stop Gas Plants

  • Working with the Ontario Clean Air Alliance and a coalition of groups/organizations across Ontario, Canada to phase out gas plants and gas entirely.

Ongoing Projects


  • Helped build a campaign around stopping the Enbridge oil pipeline Line 9.
    • Created strategy across Ontario to stop the project.
    • Created a network and groups across Toronto.
    • With a coalition of groups/organizations helped push politicians to say no.

Past Projects

Climate Emergency Declaration

  • With a coalition of groups/organizations pushed for Toronto to declare a climate emergency.

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT)

  • With a coalition of groups/organization pushed for Toronto to support the FFNPT.